martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

iPod Touch sucks softly, accessories really hard...

Never mind the draconian DRM and that you can't use an iPod as something as basic as mobile storage; the hardware is still excelent, and it does the few things they allow with remarkable stability and ease  --too easy for my taste though, I wish half of the programs I use had advanced options, or any options at all.  But the consumables^H^H^H I mean, accessories, are another thing.

The headphones that came with it lasted a few weeks... the microphone in the iPhone 3G ones I got recently not even one... Made in China, Made in China... that doesn't means you can skip the quality control Apple, and-- wait a second... they got a typo on the bottom of the box?  IPone????  I should know better. >.<

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